6 Underground Free 1080i(hd) USA HDTV Hd-720p Streaming

Writer Paul Wernick Director Michael Bay Comedy Rating 117412 Vote Average Rating 6,5 of 10 Star

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We will give you the link to watch 6 Underground movie. It is exactly everything you think it is and it is the complete opposite to the Irishman, so kudos to Netflix.
It's big, loud, makes little sense and doesn't care as it's too busy moving at the speed of sound for you to even notice. You will, but when you take your brain out of the box.
It is unapologetically fun and also probably Bay's most violent film in which he is clearly having a lot of fun showing the many ways one can die.
Reynolds and cast all work very well together and the script is purely there to get everyone from point A to point B.
But if you're into this kinda thing, you're gonna dig it and if you're not, the Irishman is right there for you.

Storror from YouTube did the parkour stunts for this! I love there channel and I saw this on Netflix but didn't give it a second glance until I saw them doing the stunts for it and then showing small clips of the scenes they were doing. I love a good action movie but with a comedic act. And Reynolds nails it like always. The rest of the cast is terrific! They are all so different but Bay did an amazing job at making them all fit together perfectly. Of course Michael Bay is a big big name director. And it's obvious why. Now the sounds effects he used for transformers was perfect. Like weird metal flexing sounds and random low and high toned horns. Nailed the sound effects for the Transformers Trilogy.
This is where Bay starts to loose me with 6Underground. Look I get he loves a descriptive action scene, take the magnetic boat for example! Wow! There was so much going on with the guys bouncing from wall to wall and having knives from the kitchens stab through them and all sorts of crazy things happening and taking out the bad guys. But the sound Michael. Wwhhhhhhyyyyy. Everytime I hear that slow motion sound effect all I can think about is bumble bee slow motion flying through the air over Mark Wahlbergs head and transforming from a car to a transformer. That sound doesn't incorporate into this movie lol. And the low tone horn sounds for the magnet when Reynolds turns it on? God Bay! You have to leave those sounds with specific movies. I'm not sure if he just loves those sounds so much that hes going to use them in every single movie he makes? But it's annoying. I'm sure I'm part of a small number of people who think this but there could have been better sound effects made for this movie instead of the ones that were bing used. Like I said, eveytime I heard them all I could think about was transformers! But I'm not watching Transformers! I'm watching a better movie with amazing firearms and great action scenes, I want to be pulled into these crazy action scenes and sucked into the movie, but I can't cause everytime some crazy scene happens and that 95% of the movie I hear another recycled sound effect he's used in all his other movies lol. And it kills me! I'm always going to link these sounds with Transformers because these sounds fit transformares soooooo well. But not this movie!
Please come up with new sound effects for every new film you release! Stop recycling the sounds. It's getting so annoying. I gave this a 7 only because the sound effects just drive me Nuts. But this movie deserves a 10.

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